Directory Lister is the easiest way to expose the contents of any web-accessible folder for browsing and sharing. With a zero configuration, drag-and-drop installation you'll be up and running in less than a minute.

Directory Lister - Dark Theme
Directory Lister - Light Theme

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requires PHP 8.1+

Recent Changes



  • Add Persian translations (#1282 - Thanks @Thecode764!)


  • Update dependencies

File Search

Find what you're looking for fast with built-in search.

File Hashes

Improve trust and reliability with quick access to file hashes for validating downloaded files against the source.

Readme Rendering

Display README files directly in your directory listing to provide customized, relevant info to your users.


  • Simple installation allows you to be up and running in less than a minute.
  • New Light and dark themes to suit your professional needs or personal style.
  • Custom sort ordering gives you control of the ordering of your files/folders.
  • New Multi-lingual support brings Directory Lister to the language of your choice.
  • New File search helps you locate the files you need quickly and efficiently.
  • File hashes instill confidence when downloading files through verification.
  • New Readme rendering allows exposing the contents of READMEs directly on the page.
  • Zip downloads for fetching an entire directory of files in a single action.

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